All orders imply acceptance without reserve of the following general conditions of sale.
Orders are not to be considered accepted until we send confirmation. Prices are in €/Euro.

Quotation are valid for 30 days. Prices exclude Italian VAT 22%.

Prices are Ex-Works Incoterms 2020 ICC. Transportation can be arranged by carrier with the expenses to be billed to the client.

Adequate packaging is included.

Delivery is arranged in agreement with the client.
In general, delivery is made in around 30 days, keeping in mind that the order will be processed only once the credit transfer has been done or payment has been received.
The delivery terms are supplied as approximation only and are not subject to possible late penalties.

at the time of ordering by bank transfer to the Valdenassi Emanuele Maria d.i. company. Future orders should be paid by swift bank transfer using the following details: Banca Sella IBAN: IT 09P 03268 20000 053953182990 SWIFT :SELBIT2B(XXX)

Costs of the bank transfer are at the expense of the placer of the order. Should payment not be received within the first 10 days after the notification of the ready goods, a fee of € 80,00 will be charged the client to open a delayed payment file as well as a monthly storage fee of € 100,00. Should payment not be received within 30 days of the notification of ready goods, interest on delayed payment will be charged in addition to any possible legal expenses. Bank administrative fee for Extra UE swift transfer of € 30,00 will be charged on the invoice.

All of our products are covered by a 12-month guarantee that begins on the date of delivery. Any claims must be made within 8 days of the reception of material.

The warranty does not cover consequences of incorrect mounting/dismounting or poor/incorrect use and maintenance. The warranty is limited

to the substitution/reparation of defective parts and excludes all other expenses (transportation, loading/unloading, damage, interest, etc).

The merchandise travels at the risk of the recipient. It is possible to purchase shipping insurance upon specific request.

Reservation of Title – Place of lawful jurisdiction
The ownership of the products shall remain of the seller until full payment by the purchaser. The applicable law shall be Italian. In a dispute arising out from the present contract shall be finally settled by the court of Imperia Italy.